Patient Resources & Education |
Web Links of Interest
American Dental Association
Oregon Dental Association
Volunteer Opportunities
Kemple Children's Clinic
Provides Dental Treatment for low-income children either at the Kemple Clinic or in your office. Contact Vicki Matthews @ (541) 617-1653
Central Oregon Community College - Friday Community Clinics
Provides opportunity for Dental Assisting students to assist you in the Free COCC Dental Care Clinic held on Fridays during the academic school year. Contact Deb Davies @ (541) 330-4368 or ddavies@cocc.edu.
Medical Teams International Mobile Dental Van
Provides Dental Treatment for low-income adults and children in the Dental Van. Contact Debbie Stumbaugh @ (541) 977-4367 or dstumbaugh@medicalteams.org.
Healthy Beginnings
Provides Dental Screenings for children and families in need. Contact Mara Stephens @ (541) 383-6357 or mara.stephens@hdesd.org
Volunteers in Medicine Clinic
Provides dental treatment for adults in need. Contact Kristi Hammerquist @ (541) 704-5292 or Kristi.hammerquist@vim-cascades.org.
Smile Central Oregon
Patients perform community service in exchange for discounted dental treatment. Contact Dr. Julie Panchura @ (541) 771-1765 or www.smilecentraloregon.com or www.kahoot.org.
Here are some links to articles covering the recent controversy about the safety and need for dental x-ray exams.